donderdag 31 mei 2012

Blog entry 1000 words

Hello and welcome to my blog!

I haven't been active at all recently due to the fact that I am writing this for my English class so when I don't have to, I won't do it :)

Also since I have absolutely no clue what to write about, my main idea for this blog that has to be a 1000 words is to talk about random stuff that happened recently in the Netherlands and some personal stuff aswell if I find myself short of words and subjects to talk about.

So first off is the fall of our government! Premier Rutte has officially put in his resignation forms at the 23st of April 2012 thanks to Geert Wilders who during an enclosed meeting walked away and "bombed" the government. Since he was the only pillar holding up this government it all fell apart.
Now we have to have another round of elections and decide who will run this country in the time of crisis and the time every euro we get is paid off to the Greeks.

The Euro-crisis itself hasn't been undone and is still affecting our average way of life right now. Geert Wilders wants a full stop of all funds going to that country and has already contacted specific companies that calculated that if Greece leaves the Eurozone that it's going to be much cheaper than paying off every debt they have. The Greek people itself aren't really helping themselves either, because they are boycotting the government and striking against all the decisions that have to be made to insure financial support from the European Union. One of them said that her great-great-great-great-grandfather worked untill his 53th and so will she. But doesn't she realize this is a crisis? and that basically everyone in Europe is already working till their 65th and that's actually going up aswell? We're doing everything, spending billions of Euros, to ensure that Greece won't fall down and take all the banks with them, but for me, if they don't change their way of thinking I couldn't care less about them.

Furthermore the Dutch national soccer team isn't doing what it's supposed to do! Having the worlds best players in one team doesn't make for a winning team as we found out against Bulgaria who defeated us in the last second of the match with 1 versus 2 and against Bayern Munich who also bested us by 4 to 2. Fortunately we won against Slovakia this Saturday but even then we were playing rubbish and we got lucky with an own goal. If this situation doesn't get any better before the European Championship we might not even make it to the next round with hard opponents such as Germany and Portugal ahead of us. Also during the few friendly matches we had before the EC (European Championship) some players such as Joris Matthijsen and Wesley Sneijder got injured and it's the question now if they will even make it to the first match of the EC against Denmark next week Saturday. That makes me wonder if friendly matches are a good thing for us? Since we play rubbish and lose players.. But on the other hand Affelay made a very good impression and played remarkably well even though he hasn't really played a lot at Barcelona. We just have to wait and see if the Dutch team can perform!

The Hedwigepolder has already been a major point of discussion lately due to the fact that Belgium says we are violating some kind of agreement we made earlier with them that we would put the Hedwigepolder under water but our Minister recently decided, after months of striking from civilians living there, to put another piece of land under water. Belgium doesn't agree with this and took it up to the European Union itself and they are preparing a lawsuit against our country if we don't meet the agreements we made up earlier with Belgium. My personal opinion about this is that Belgium shouldn't care so much about what we do on our own lands. Our land our rules right? I think the people who were striking against this have a very good point and I hope the EU agrees with the Netherlands in this matter.

Next up is me talking about stuff that has to do with me and about my personal life.

Most recently I found out that my PC upstairs doesn't work anymore so I cannot print which is a pain. Also my Dutch literature dossier has to be finished quite soon and I haven't really done anything for that and since I cannot print it's going to be a close call.

After writing this I am still about 200 words short and I cannot think of anything to write about so let's talk about my preparation for my English powerpoint!

Normally during the English computer lessons we don't really do anything, but for me I actually decided to do something, because I choose a subject (9GAG) that actually involves some background research instead of just making up information as you go along in the presentation.

First I checked the actual 9GAG site to find specific information about some of the historical aspects of 9GAG aswell as some funny pictures for my background. (since what is a presentation about a site that's supposed to make you laugh without anything to laugh about)

After that I started googling to find specific information about the creators of 9GAG aswell as the memes which play the major part in an average day at
When I finally found all of the information I was planning of using in my presentation I decided to add it all together and see how long I could talk for. At home I found myself talking for about 11 minutes which isn't that bad since it had to be around 10 minutes I believe. But ofcourse I didn't realize/forgot that talking in yourself is, besides awkward, less stressfull than talking in front of a group. So when I did my actual presentation I ended up talking for about 8 minutes and 50 seconds. (even though I was rudely interrupted by the bell)

Overall I think my presentation went quite well! I didn't make any major mistakes I think, but next time I should really add everything, because I left out some of the memes, because I thought that it was going to be way to much..

Well I am pretty sure I came up with atleast a 1000 words right now. So this is the end of my blog entry and just in time because the Mediatheek is already closing when I am typing this! So Bye

~Sebastiaan van Schagen 4D

woensdag 15 februari 2012

Blog about documentary

Due to the fact that there was no documentary at all when I checked the link in the mail, I do not have 1000 words about something I could not watch. therefore to ensure you that I do have a 1000 words in my blog about something, even though you will probably just tell me that I should have done it earlier, which in my opinion is true but also irrelevant because if you do it, it's fine but when you can't do it when you were really going to do it, I shouldn't get punished for it, because the intention was there it just didn't work.
 (look at the link which clearly states there is no documentary to watch, yes a link because apparently I can't put a picture in this blog) , I hope that I get a chance to fill in my blog about a different documentary or another topic, because I can't stand getting a bad mark for something that is not my fault. if I didn't study for a test and get a 1 yea that's my fault but when I am supposed to make a blog entry about a documentary and the documentary doesn't work it's not my fault. I hope you understand my point of view and give me another chance to make a blog entry.

donderdag 6 oktober 2011

Second blog entry

Welcome to my second blog entry,

As you all know by now I am writing about Dutch news. I will expand this to international news for the simple reason that nothing exciting happened in the Dutch news so far and I need to write more words.

The Nobel prizes! yes, a world changing event for the lives of many famous scientists and physicists!

Normally this event wouldn't get as much media attention as it has this year, because the commitee that reviews all the work of scientists and others have failed to notice that one of the men they were going to give a Nobel prize actually passed away three days before the decision was made. The Nobel prizes have a tradition of never being handed out if the person is dead but for the Canadian scientist Steinman who won the prize for medicine this has been passed. The only reason why the decision isn't recalled is because the decision to give this man his prize was based on the fact that they thought the man was still alive.

This is the first time this has ever happened and will probably never happen again making Steinman the only human ever to get this prize after he died.

~Sebastiaan van Schagen 4D

donderdag 29 september 2011

First blog entry :)

Welcome to  my first blog entry for my english assignment,

I will be talking about different topics in the dutch news.

So have you guys heard it yet? Geert Wilders the Dutch politician said "do normal man" to our prime minister. Immediately, probably because we're such an educated country, everyone started to turn against this rude behaviour in the news and on every social media, but is it really that bad? I don't think so.

First of all, he didnt use any exagarated "bad" words and he kept it to a normal level. This is language everyone uses nowadays and why should politicians be any different?

Second of all, politicians are also human beings! We might forget that time to time, but they really are! if they say something like this it shouldn't be that much of a problem as well as a step forward to a general society with freedom of speech.

Last but not least, it's Geert Wilders! if you haven't noticed his behaviour or exclamations then you belong to the group that is dumb and ignorent to the state of this country.

Therefor I think that what he said isn't bad and people who complain about this kind of language should go outside more often and see what is really going on.

~Sebastiaan van Schagen 4D

donderdag 8 september 2011

English Assignment Blog


I recently started blogging for my english class and will be doing this continuously for a few months