donderdag 29 september 2011

First blog entry :)

Welcome to  my first blog entry for my english assignment,

I will be talking about different topics in the dutch news.

So have you guys heard it yet? Geert Wilders the Dutch politician said "do normal man" to our prime minister. Immediately, probably because we're such an educated country, everyone started to turn against this rude behaviour in the news and on every social media, but is it really that bad? I don't think so.

First of all, he didnt use any exagarated "bad" words and he kept it to a normal level. This is language everyone uses nowadays and why should politicians be any different?

Second of all, politicians are also human beings! We might forget that time to time, but they really are! if they say something like this it shouldn't be that much of a problem as well as a step forward to a general society with freedom of speech.

Last but not least, it's Geert Wilders! if you haven't noticed his behaviour or exclamations then you belong to the group that is dumb and ignorent to the state of this country.

Therefor I think that what he said isn't bad and people who complain about this kind of language should go outside more often and see what is really going on.

~Sebastiaan van Schagen 4D

donderdag 8 september 2011

English Assignment Blog


I recently started blogging for my english class and will be doing this continuously for a few months