woensdag 15 februari 2012

Blog about documentary

Due to the fact that there was no documentary at all when I checked the link in the mail, I do not have 1000 words about something I could not watch. therefore to ensure you that I do have a 1000 words in my blog about something, even though you will probably just tell me that I should have done it earlier, which in my opinion is true but also irrelevant because if you do it, it's fine but when you can't do it when you were really going to do it, I shouldn't get punished for it, because the intention was there it just didn't work.
 (look at the link which clearly states there is no documentary to watch, yes a link because apparently I can't put a picture in this blog) , I hope that I get a chance to fill in my blog about a different documentary or another topic, because I can't stand getting a bad mark for something that is not my fault. if I didn't study for a test and get a 1 yea that's my fault but when I am supposed to make a blog entry about a documentary and the documentary doesn't work it's not my fault. I hope you understand my point of view and give me another chance to make a blog entry.
